
You’re pregnant! Now what??? 6 Products to help get you through the first trimester.

There are two types of Moms in this world: those who love being pregnant, and those who find the joys of pregnancy not so enjoyable. I was lucky enough to be one that loved being pregnant both times. I had pretty good pregnancies, despite morning sickness with both, and weekly migraines with my second. Our bodies go through amazing changes during pregnancy. Some not-so-amazing events include nausea, exhaustion, weight gain, vaginal discharge, constipation, increased urination, mood swings, round ligament pain, the softening of ligaments (which makes your joints feel great…Not really!), and lack of sleep-I thought that wasn’t supposed to happen until AFTER the baby was born?! I know these don’t sound that great, but thinking about the end result was what made each day so enjoyable for me. And when you start feeling that little bundle rolling around in there your connection grows even stronger.

There are so many variables that are out of our control during pregnancy, but it is important to know the things we can control. Obviously we want to be as healthy as we can, and prepare our bodies before we get pregnant if possible. Ideal time to start a prenatal vitamin is actually prior to getting those two positive lines. I’m a horrible pill taker (typical Nurse), so I had to find something that was chewable. I ended up taking Smarty Pants Prenatal chewable vitamins. I had them on subscribe & save through Amazon, because I knew for sure I’d only remember to order them as I was taking the last one in the bottle!

Next is to eliminate drinking alcohol, smoking, and certainly stay away from any elicit drugs. Diet and exercise will help your pregnancy and delivery go more smoothly. If you are overweight prior to pregnancy, talk with your doctor on ways to decrease weight gain during your pregnancy, as it will be better for both you and baby. Eat healthy foods-think rainbow colors of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, dairy, and protein. Folic acid is very important, and can be found in leafy greens, citrus fruits, cereal, rice, and pastas. Try to stay away from too much caffeine, fast foods, and processed foods. If you’re a type A personality nut like me you’ll want a guide of foods for each week of pregnancy to add to your diet. I loved having the What to Eat When You’re Pregnant book, which made meal planning much easier since it provides a super easy week by week guide.

I mentioned with both of my pregnancies I experienced morning sickness. The name really does not do it justice, because my “morning” sickness lasted all day every day. I tried ginger along my jaw line, and inhaled peppermint from a cotton ball stuffed in my pocket quite often. DoTerra also makes ginger drops that may help. I went to an acupuncturist to help prepare my body to get pregnant, and continued on after I was pregnant. My acupuncturist was able to help curb my nausea through weekly treatments that would literally last me six days before I had to go for my next appointment. It was like clockwork, and I could feel myself getting more and more nauseated as the days went on. Eating frequent small meals did help, as well as ginger candy. Just make sure you are drinking plenty of water, because the constipation and swelling are no joke.

Nine months may seem like a long time, but your pregnancy will fly by, and your little one will be here before you know it. Just remember to enjoy every day, and savor the time you have to prepare. Thankfully there are many options to assist you in getting through the first trimester.

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Please seek the assistance of your physician or pediatrician before making dramatic changes in your lifestyle. Even though I am an RN and Lactation Consultant, many of my ideas come from knowledge through my work, and personal experience with my own little ones.

Welcome! I’m Brittany. I’m a mom of two toddlers living in Northwest Ohio with my husband, Chris, and our two cats, Simon and Oliver. I’m a labor and delivery nurse, and an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I love finding new ways that make parenting easier, while providing a fun learning atmosphere for my girls at the same time. In my blog you will find tips and tricks for dealing with pregnancy, labor, and parenthood. My favorite part about being a nurse (besides getting to welcome little miracles into the world, obviously) is being able to educate new Moms (and Dads) on how to care for their little ones at the very start. Parenthood is such a complex and exhausting journey that we need to have support from others who make us feel like we’re not alone. You are not alone here!

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