What To Pack in your Diaper Bag

As a first time Mama, you may think you need to pack everything except the kitchen sink in your diaper bag. I mean, anything could happen, right?! Well, kind of, but you are going to get a sore back carrying around all of that stuff with your precious little babe, so let’s just stick to what you actually need.
- 6 Diapers
- Wipes
- Changing pad
- Burp cloths
- Toys for grasping
- Hand sanitizer
- Change of clothes (socks too)
- Snacks & Water for Mom
- Bags for dirty diapers
- Ziploc bag for dirty clothes
First of all, you want to find a diaper bag that is going to stay with you through the toddler years. Pick a style that is going to be comfortable for you, whether it be a large shoulder bag, or a backpack. Personally, I prefer the backpack style because it leaves both of your arms free. It is also easier to attach to a stroller with stroller clips. If you’re hoping that your partner will help with carrying the bag make sure you pick a color and style you both like.
Now for the essentials. Babies really don’t need that much, but they are messy. So best to be prepared for those blow outs. You will want 6 diapers at all times, so make sure every time you return home you are refilling your bag. Wipes are always a must, but you can typically get by with a small pack and just refill as needed. Depending on where you are changing a diaper it is a good idea to have a changing pad. One that can be disinfected is best to keep it clean for your little bundle of joy, and for any messes. Keep a clip on hand sanitizer to clean your hands before and after each diaper change or feeding. Burp cloths are great for clean ups, so keep 1-2 in your bag. If you have a tot that likes to fuss or grab during diaper changes keep a few toys that he or she likes to keep them occupied. Blow outs happen, so be sure to keep a seasonally appropriate outfit in the bag, including socks! If you are out and about, or breastfeeding it is a good idea to keep snacks and water for yourself to keep you energized to take care of your little. Sometimes you will not be near a trash can, so keep a roll of bags to put dirty diapers in. I love the dog bags because they are so compact. You’ll also want a Ziploc bag for those blow out clothes to keep your diaper bag clean and odor free.
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Welcome! I’m Brittany. I’m a mom of two toddlers living in Northwest Ohio with my husband, Chris, and our two cats, Simon and Oliver. I’m a labor and delivery nurse, and an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I love finding new ways that make parenting easier, while providing a fun learning atmosphere for my girls at the same time. In my blog you will find tips and tricks for dealing with pregnancy, labor, and parenthood. My favorite part about being a nurse (besides getting to welcome little miracles into the world, obviously) is being able to educate new Moms (and Dads) on how to care for their little ones at the very start. Parenthood is such a complex and exhausting journey that we need to have support from others who make us feel like we’re not alone. You are not alone here!